【第八十二期】高畅: 情欲艺术就要被禁么?后殖民主义语境下的中国公共空间以及做艺术的紧迫性

Does Erotic Art Have to be Banned? The Urgency of Chinese Public Space and Creating Art under the Postcolonial Context


Sun, 8 May 2022 15:00 – 18:00 BST

Unit 4, 222 Kingsland Road, London, E2 8AX


大家好, 我是高畅,目前是英国皇家艺术学院在读第四年的博士。同时是一名多媒体视觉艺术家。我的作品利用进化心理学理论的“超个体刺激”与情欲主义制作雕塑,影像,摄影,AR 增强现实界面,全息影像装置,机器与心跳互动装置等艺术作品。作品广泛展览于英国,荷兰,意大利, 芬兰,韩国,日本以及国内很多美术馆及画廊。我曾在英国皇家艺术学院担任艺术与人文学院硕士讲师,也曾工作于中央美术学院中国公共艺术研究中心担任三年公共艺术研究员。

I am Chang Gao, a fourth-year PhD candidate at Royal College of Art. I am also a multimedia artist. Inspired by an evolutionary psychology theory “Supernormal Stimuli” and eroticism, the forms of my works range from sculpture, print, photography, film, Augmented Reality interface, hologram installation to ECG heart rate and robotic interactive installations. These works have been exhibited internationally in museums and galleries among the UK, the Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Korea, Japan, and China. Previously, I worked as a lecturer for MA programmes in the School of Arts and Humanities at RCA. Also, I was a public art researcher at the Public Art Research Centre of China in Central Academy of Fine Arts.

在国内学习工作期间发现了一个很有趣的现象,国外知名的建筑师和艺术家在中国总是会被给予更多的机会和关爱,无论是展览,收藏还是在公共空间中永久安置他们的作品,中国的公共空间就这样被一件又一件的西方知名艺术家、建筑师的公共艺术,雕塑和建筑所侵占, 在我的博士论文研究中 ,总结为”中国公共空间的后殖民主义现象”。

During the working and studying in China, I have noticed an interesting phenomenon: western architects’ and artists’ works have always been given more attention and opportunities to exhibit, to be collected, or installed permanently in China. Western artists and architects culturally invade Chinese public space by installing one and another artworks, sculptures, and architectures. I define this phenomenon in my PhD thesis as “post-colonialism in China’s public space”.

一个例子,安东尼·葛姆雷的系列雕塑《海岸线》在展出于伦敦,纽约以及圣地亚哥后,将其系列人体雕塑放置于香港中环的摩天大楼的楼顶,一个个伫立于高透楼顶的楼顶边缘, 当地警局在雕塑安置后一周之内接连收到29个报警电话,甚至有人为此自杀。

To name just one example. Antony Gormley’s “Horizon”, a series of figurative sculpture were casted from artist’s own body. After being shown in London, New York, and Santiago, this series of work was installed at the top edge of a skyscraper in Central, Hong Kong. After the work was installed, the local police station received 29 calls within one week from the residents who worry the figurative sculptures as suicidal attempts.



In 2016, when Gormley gave a lecture in China, I asked his intention. He answered, “I do not expect anyone else to think as the way as I do. There is no correct way of thinking about the work, and there is nothing to do with receiving a precise message, it’s not propaganda or advertisement. This is important for me to think physically about being in the world. Yes, maybe you are right. Primarily it is more interesting to me than anybody else. It doesn’t bother me much that people in Hongkong have profound thoughts or it, what they have is an interference, and interference in common life which hopeful makes them look at it again anew, and that’s enough.”


的确,这件作品已经产生很大的干扰,一名香港银行员工正因为他的这一系列作品跳楼自杀,作品的影响力的确达到了一个前所未有的程度。很显然他并不在意观众的感受,“只要有介入就足够了”。 在我看来,这种公共空间的介入是极其自私与不负责的。如果作品展览于画廊或博物馆,观众有备而来。但如果将作品安放在公共空间,人们现代生活的压力和苦恼无处安放,艺术家却毫不在意观众的感受,还称这是一件对艺术家来说更有意义的作品,这就是极不负责任的态度与做法。对此种西方知名艺术家对中国当地文化,政治,社会环境的极端不敏感不在乎,并在公共空间文化侵略的现象,在我的博士论文中我总结并命名为“中国公共空间的后殖民主文化现象”。

Indeed, the work was disruptive and extremely influential. A banker jumped off the roof because of it. Gormley clearly doesn’t care about viewers’ feelings and simply focuses on interruption. I understand such intention as selfish and irresponsible. If the work was displayed inside a gallery or museum instead of public space, viewers would perceive it differently without being pressurised. I define such radical insensitivity and indifference towards toward Chinese local cultural, political, and social environment, as well as the cultural invasion from the West to the Chinese public space,  as “post-colonialism in Chinese public space” in my PhD thesis. 


My works use erotic elements to express dissatisfaction with societal pressure and struggle as well as reconsider the meaning of decolonisation. Multimedia expression is used to stimulate the public’s awareness of cultural identity. Under the premise that ideological struggle affects individuals, my PhD thesis seeks to inspire a realise of suppressed feelings and emotions by presenting those elements that are usually hidden in private.

这次讲座我将结合多媒体艺术的展示形式,邀请现场观众观看我最新制作的影片,参与AR 互动界面的同时,参与机器装置互动装置《为静默着发生》,以及现场探讨等环节。

In this talk, I will display a series of multimedia artworks, and invite audiences to watch my latest art film. Audience will be also encouraged to interact with AR interface and the robotic installation Speaking for the Speechless and participate in the discussion at the end. 


Living in London, I have witnessed a social-cultural difference compared to where we come from. By presenting my research and artworks, I wish to create an opportunity for an open conversation.


I look forward to seeing you.



Chang Gao

20 April 2022, in London


Sun, 8 May 2022 15:00 – 18:00 BST

Unit 4, 222 Kingsland Road, London, E2 8AX



高畅 Chang Gao

青年学者、雕塑艺术家。英国皇家艺术学院(Royal College of Art) 艺术与人文学院在读博士,中央美术学院城市设计学院国际社会创新实验室(CAFA-ILSA)创始人及 负责人。2006年以全国总成绩第一名考入清华大学美术学院,2010年以“优秀毕业生”毕业于清华大学美术学院,并以综合学分绩排名第一免试推荐攻读清华大学美术学院硕士研究生,先后师从李象群教授、胥建国先生。毕业后曾任中央美术学院中国公共艺术研究中心研究员。    

2016年参与清华大学TEDxTHU演讲,2019年在英国皇家中央演讲与戏剧学院Colission博士论坛上发表博士学位学术研究成果。作品多次在伦敦艺术双年展,伦敦比肯斯菲尔德美术馆Beaconsfield Gallery、英国皇家艺术学院、英国中央戏剧与表演学院、伦敦多家画廊、英国皇家艺术学院的戴森画廊、伦敦Southwark park画廊,荷兰乌特勒支美术馆,意大利Chianciano双年展,韩国首尔弘益大学美术学院、日本多摩大学、赫尔辛基奥尔托大学、中国美术馆和多家画廊展出及发表相关学术演讲。

Young Scholar, Sculptor, Public Art researcher, PhD candidate at the school of Art and Humanities at Royal College of Art (London), Director and Establisher of International Laboratory of Social Innovation – China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA-ILSI). Chang received her MA and BA in Sculpture and supervised by Professor Li Xiangqun and Professor Xu Jianguo at Academy of Art and Design, Tsinghua University. She worked as a research associate at the Public Art Research Centre of China – China Central Academy of Fine Arts after graduation. She gave a Ted Talk at Tsinghua University and presented her PhD topic at Collision doctoral conference at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in 2019. She has shown her works internationally, in London galleries like Beaconsfield Gallery, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, Dyson Gallery at the Royal College of Art, 508 King’s Road Gallery in London Battersea, London Southwark park Gallery, Het Nieuwe Muntgebouw, Utrecht Netherland, Italy Chianciano Biennale, Korean Collage of Fine Arts at Hongik University in Seoul, together with Japan Tama University and Alto University, Helsinki and many museums and galleries in China.   


2022年3月14至21日,我的系列AR , 影像及摄影作品 《情欲亲近》展览于伦敦Southwark Park Galleries-Dilston 画廊

2022年5月9日至13日,Open 研究小组举办的小小画廊将在Ransome‘s Dock 展出我的系列作品

2022年6月5日至7月31日,我的全息影像装置作品《情感相遇》将展出于荷兰乌勒惠支Utrecht 的 COME ALIVE 展览《活回来-情欲的力量》



2022年8月6日至28日 我的雕塑作品《笙歌韶乐在其中》Beauty Inside 将展出于意大利 Chianciano 双年展,于意大利Tuscan,

2022年10月24日至30日,我的作品将展出于伦敦西部画廊 London Gallery West 的《当代女性艺术》Woman Exhibiting Today展览

Recent Exhibition and Events to participate:

March 14th-21st 2022 my series of artwork: film Erotic proximity, AR interface Erotic Poetics and print Erotic Poetics exhibits in Southwark Park Galleries//Dilston Gallery, London

May 9th-13th, 2022 Tiny Gallery project organised by Open Research Group at Ransome’s Dock, Royal College of Art

June 5th -July 31st 2022 my work Emotional Encounter will be exhibited in  group exhibition COME ALIVE in Utrecht Netherland 

June 15th, 2022 Book Launch: Representation Imprint with Kara Keeling at Beaconsfield Gallery, London.

6th August-28th August 2022 my work Beauty Inside will be exhibited in Italy Chianciano Biennale, Tuscan, Italy.

October 24th-30th 2022 my works will be exhibited in the exhibition Woman Exhibiting Today at London Gallery West, London


Instagram: @gao.chang_rca

Emotional Encounter 《情感相遇》
Hologram Installation
全息影像装置150x100x100cm 2018 
Video Link: 
Intimate Fantasy 《亲密幻想》
Photography Print­  2021 http://www.gaochangart.net/intimate-fantasy/
Intimate Fantasy 《亲密幻想》
Photography Print­  2021 http://www.gaochangart.net/intimate-fantasy/
Book of Disquiet 《不安之书》– Magpie Feather, Pearlescent paint, and Jasmonite Main Sculpture Size: 65x30x25cm Small Sculpture Size:10x10x8cm Overall Size 80x30x25cm 2021
Film still of Erotic Proximity,电影《情欲亲近》full film please seehttps://www.gaochangart.net/erotic-proximity/
Image Still of film Erotic Proximity电影《情欲亲近》 14 Minutes, 2022
Film still of Erotic Proximity 电影《情欲亲近》full film please seehttps://www.gaochangart.net/erotic-proximity/
Film still of Erotic Proximity 电影《情欲亲近》full film please seehttps://www.gaochangart.net/erotic-proximity/
AR Interface ++ Organic Access 增强现实界面++《有机出口》 2022 
More information please see:  http://www.gaochangart.net/organic-access-of-the-public/
AR Interface ++ Erotic Poetics 增强现实界面++《情欲诗意》 2022 Victoria Station, London
More information please see:  http://www.gaochangart.net/ar-interface-erotic-poetics/
AR Interface ++ Erotic Poetics 增强现实界面++《情欲诗意》 2022 Chelsea London
More information please see:  http://www.gaochangart.net/ar-interface-erotic-poetics/
AR Interface ++ Erotic Poetics 增强现实界面++《情欲诗意》 2022 Chelsea London
More information please see:  http://www.gaochangart.net/ar-interface-erotic-poetics/
Speaking for the Speechless, 机器人装置《为静默者发声》 Robotic Sculpture, Ongoing, 2021 Silicon, Fimo Sculpey, Arduino, Motors, server testers etc mixed media